Bura Girls High School

Message from the Principal.

Welcome to Bura Girls’ High School’s website. It is targeted at Parents, students, old girls, staff, sponsors, friends of the school and prospective parents who may want to know more about us.

Since we are greatly favoured by God, we believe we are the best school in the country in terms of academic excellence and noble character building. Our Mission is to equip girls with skills, knowledge and positive attitude in achieving high standards of education and morals through discipline, hardwork and commitment..

Bura Girls High School History

Bura girls is a catholic sponsored school that started as a day primary girls and boys school in the 1920’s, moving to girls intermediate boarding primary in the 1940’s and also a teacher training college (St. Joseph) around the same time.

It became a one streamed Girls high school in 1965 under the Leadership of Sr. Philothea a Precious Blood Sister (German). The second stream which was harambee was introduced in 1974. In 1990 the school was handed over to the Africans and Rev. Sr. Dorothy Mshai (St. Joseph Sister) became the first African head teacher. Sr. Mshai handed over the school to Mrs. Lucy Mwawasi on 31st December, 1993- the first lay person to head the school. Mrs. Mwawasi handed over the school on 14th April, 1999 to Mrs. Lilian Mwalekwa. On 11th January, 2011 Mrs. Mwalekwa handed over the leadership to Mrs. Marietta Mwambanda. Later December,2011 the leadership was handed over to Mrs. Polly Asikoye, the current Principal.

The school started three streams in 2005 and became complete 3 streams in 2008. On March 2010, the school was registered as four streamed school with a population of 682. Currently the school population is 700.

The school started three streams in 2005 and became complete 3 streams in 2008. On March 2010, the school was registered as four streamed school with a population of 682. Currently the school population is 700

The school currently has 28 teacher. There are also 24 non-teaching staff.
School motto “ Co-operation brings success”

Vision “To be a leading centre of academic excellence and noble character building”

The main mission “to equip students with skills, knowledge and positive attitude in achieving high standards of education and morals through discipline, hardwork and commitment”.